With a depth of 80 mm, the bat building blocks of the FE80 series are specially designed for foaming or walling into thin insulation and walls.
They are designed as crevice quarters with a gap of 35 mm at the bottom and 25 mm at the top.
The built-in manure slope means that the building block is self-cleaning and does not need to be serviced. The built-in block can also be used as a permanent entrance screen for access to lower-lying quarters.
For this purpose, appropriate passages to the rear are worked into the rear wall using a crown drill or jigsaw (use a saw blade for wood!). In this way, the bats can get into the quarters that already exist behind the facade or that are to be newly formed. Larger quarters can be achieved by placing building blocks next to each other.
For this purpose, slots of at least 20 x 50 mm are cut into the sides using a jigsaw so that a connecting tunnel is created between the building blocks. These stones are gladly accepted by the Pipistrellus species such as pipistrelle bat, soprano pipistrelle and rough-skin bat. But other bat species can also be found in these stones, depending on the region.
The material is heat-insulating wood chip concrete.
The building blocks can be painted with conventional, breathable facade paint.