Common swifts place special demands on the nest box, which can be explained by the biology of the animals:
• Common swifts cannot take off easily from the ground due to their build! And therefore only use parts that are in the air, such as feathers, as the material for building the nesting trough. In order to shorten the sometimes years of waiting until a nest is created that protects the eggs from rolling, it is advisable to buy the nest trough offered.
• For the same reason, common swifts do not have branching time and are fully muscled and able to fly on their first excursion. The animals then have a wingspan of 40-44 cm. So that the boys can train their muscles in the box, the box should have a certain minimum size, also in height!
• Common swifts leave the box with a kind of falling curve and approach it in a curve from below. Therefore, the box needs a certain height and there should be no trees or branches directly in front of it.
• Starlings compete with common swifts for nesting holes. Since starlings are sometimes quite competitive and can claim a larger number of boxes located close together and also tend to fecate facades, our swift caves have starling barriers.
• Common swifts open up new breeding grounds only slowly. It is therefore advisable to use lure chants when relocating - but this is not absolutely necessary.
• The cave has a front control flap.