Waschbärsicheres Set Singvogelgarten
The perfect starter set for the garden, field and forest, includes three predator-proof boxes for various species of tits, nuthatches, sparrows and other, including a bracket and aluminum nail
Nesting aids in the set:
- Great tit
- House sparrow
- Tree Sparrow
- Nuthatch
- Wryneck
- Blue tit
- Marsh Tit
- Coal tit
- Crested tit
- Coal Tit
- Bats
Entrance hole: 30x45 mm high oval, two round holes with 27mm, 38 mm round
Large brood chamber: yes
Safe with: raccoons, cats, martens, woodpeckers,
Places: house, garden, field & forest
Material: Breathable wood concrete
Dimensions: height 25 cm; width 18cm; Depth: 33cm
Weight: each about 8.5kg, set about 25,5 kg
Supplied with: bracket and an aluminum nail 5.5 x 85 mm so that the box can be hung up immediately.